Software Rzeszów Mielec

We deliver dedicated solutions that transform performance, scalability and innovation.

Dedicated Software Rzeszów and Mielec

Create dedicated software with nesX and gain an IT system created especially for your company. Discover the advantages of dedicated software and see how it can affect the efficiency and scalability of your business.


Tailored to the specific needs and requirements of customers, which means that all functions are written to best serve the specific nature of their business.


The ability of a system to cope with increasing workload or to expand its functionality without sacrificing performance.


Specially designed software can be better integrated with the client's existing systems and business processes.


Unique software is a significant advantage in the market, giving you an advantage over competitors who may rely on more general solutions.

Dedicated Software - Comprehensive IT System for Your Enterprise

By choosing dedicated software from nesX, you gain not only functionality, but also adaptation to the unique requirements of your business. Dedicated IT solutions from nesX are a guarantee that you receive a system that is exactly what you need - no more, no less.

In our work, we emphasize the advantage of dedicated software over standard "boxed" solutions. Not only because of the possibility of precise integration with existing business processes, but also because of the efficiency that will translate into the ultimate success of your company.

What does the process of creating individual software look like?

The process of creating individual, i.e. dedicated software, is more complex and requires a specialized approach than in the case of standard solutions. Below I present the key stages through which the process of creating personalized software goes:

Analysis and Planning

Understanding Customer Needs: Meeting with the client to understand the needs, requirements and expected functionalities of the software. Business Analysis: Detailed analysis of the business processes that the software is intended to support and improve. Defining the Scope: Determining the project scope, goals, and time and budget constraints.

System Design

Architecture Design: Creating a system architecture diagram that specifies how various components will work together. UX/UI design: Designing user interface and user experiences that are intuitive and effective.


Technology Stack: Selection of appropriate programming languages, frameworks and tools. For example, JavaScript is often chosen for web applications, while for back-end systems it may be Java or Python.

Software Development

Coding: The actual writing of software code by a development team. Prototyping: Creating a software prototype that can be tested and iteratively improved.


Unit and Integration Tests: Checking individual modules and their interoperability to detect and fix errors. Usability Tests: Evaluation of the user interface and user experience by potential users.


Software Deploy: Software implementation in the client's environment and integration with existing systems. Training: Conducting training for end users.

Maintenance and Support

Technical assistance: Providing continuous technical support and assistance to users. Updates: Introducing updates and new features, managing versions.

What programming languages do we use?

The most popular programming languages play a key role in the development of technology and business digitalization. Each of them has a unique set of tools and libraries, which makes them preferred for different applications. Here is an extensive description of the most popular programming languages along with their typical applications:

1. JavaScript


  • Front-End Development: As the foundation of modern websites, JavaScript allows you to create dynamic and interactive user elements, such as buttons, animations and forms.
  • Back-End Development: Thanks to the Node.js environment, JavaScript brings its versatility to the server, enabling you to build scalable web applications and APIs.
  • Mobile and Desktop Applications: Frameworks such as React Native and Electron allow the use of JavaScript to create native applications for mobile devices and desktop systems.
  • Game Development: Although it is not the main language for professional computer games, JavaScript finds its place in browser games and simple mobile applications.

2. Python


  • Web Applications: Django and Flask frameworks enable you to quickly create secure and scalable web applications.
  • Data Science and AI: Python is a leader in data science, machine learning and AI, with libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow and scikit-learn.
  • Automation and Scripting: Perfect for automating office tasks and scripting, facilitating IT infrastructure management and data processing.
  • Scientific and Numerical: Python is favored by scientists and engineers for applications in scientific and engineering computing.

3. Java


  • Enterprise Applications: Java is considered the standard in enterprise business applications due to its reliability and security.
  • Android Application Development: The Android SDK uses Java as the main language for developing mobile applications for the most popular mobile operating system.
  • Embedded Devices and IoT: Java offers rich support for application development for embedded devices, making it a good choice for IoT projects.
  • Server Software: Application servers and middleware often rely on Java due to its stability and maturity.

4. C#


  • Game Development: Unity 3D, one of the most popular game development environments, uses C# as its main scripting language.
  • Desktop Applications: C# is chosen for creating native Windows applications thanks to .NET technology and a rich set of tools.
  • Web Applications: The ASP.NET platform allows you to build efficient web applications that are easy to maintain.
  • Mobile Apps: Xamarin extends the capabilities of C#, allowing you to create applications for iOS and Android using common code.

5. PHP


  • Websites: PHP is widely used to create websites, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms.
  • Server Scripts: As a server-side language, PHP manages application logic, database access, and data processing.
  • CMS: Content management systems like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla are based on PHP, making it the language of choice for many websites.

6. Ruby


  • Web Applications: Ruby on Rails is a complete toolkit for rapid web application development that focuses on code efficiency and elegance.
  • Prototyping: Ruby is appreciated for the speed of prototyping thanks to its simplicity and concise syntax.
  • Automation: Ruby is used in tools for automating and scripting administrative tasks.

7. C++


  • System Software: C++ is crucial in developing system software, compilers and games due to its efficiency.
  • Computer Games: In the gaming industry, C++ is valued for its speed and control over hardware resources.
  • High Performance Applications: Calculation-intensive applications such as simulations and engineering programs often use C++.

8. TypeScript


  • Secure Web Application Development: TypeScript adds static typing to JavaScript, which increases code readability and makes it easier to detect errors at an earlier stage.
  • Collaboration in Teams: It is preferred in environments where multiple developers need to collaborate on large projects.

Choosing the right programming language depends on many factors, including the specifics of the project, technical requirements, available resources, preferences of the development team, and the planned future maintenance and development of the project. Each of these languages has a developer community and a set of best practices, which makes them easier to use in practical applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dedicated software is a custom-designed IT solution that is custom-built to meet the unique needs and requirements of a specific enterprise or organization.

The main advantages include high customization, better integration with other systems, greater scalability, higher security and the ability to gain a competitive advantage by optimizing and automating specific business processes.

Dedicated software is usually a better choice for companies that need specialized functionalities that are not available in ready-made products. However, it requires a larger initial investment and time for development.

The process typically includes needs analysis, system design, technology stack selection, development, testing, implementation, and then software maintenance and support.

The time needed to create dedicated software may vary depending on the complexity of the project, the number of requested functionalities and the level of integration with existing systems. This may last from several months to even several years.

The cost varies greatly and depends on many factors such as the scope of the project, the technologies chosen, complexity, time required for development, and support and maintenance requirements. Projects can cost from several thousand to even several million zlotys.

If your company has specific needs that cannot be effectively met by standard solutions available on the market, dedicated software may be the best solution.

Programming languages such as Java, C#, Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, as well as various databases and front-end technologies are often used to create dedicated software.

Selected projects

We provide the best quality software, mobile applications, websites and online stores that are fully responsive, i.e. adapted to mobile and stationary devices. See our projects for various industries.


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